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Desarrollo Profesional

La consultoría es nuestro negocio, y nuestros consultores son nuestro activo más importante. Los consultores de MGCP participan en los mayores desafíos de nuestros clientes y hacen un impacto positivo y duradero.

Como miembro de nuestro equipo de consultoría, usted colaborará en proyectos desafiantes con miembros de equipo de diversos orígenes y disciplinas, aumentando su comprensión de los complejos problemas empresariales desde diversas perspectivas.

El trabajo de consultoría es variado y riguroso, alguna parte realizado en la localidad de nuestros clientes. Los proyectos pueden variar en longitud, tamaño y ubicación, dependiendo del desafío del cliente. Si se está uniendo a nosotros directamente desde la escuela, espere trabajar con una amplia gama de clientes y proyectos.

A medida que avance su carrera, comenzará a especializarse en una o más áreas de práctica.



Como Analista, trabajará en casos con colegas talentosos que le ayudarán a aprender y le retarán a crecer. Usted será responsable de los componentes específicos de un proyecto, tales como analizar el rendimiento de un cliente o realizar entrevistas con los principales actores del mercado oespecialistas de la industria.



Como Consultor, comenzará a desarrollar conocimientos especializados y gestionar componentes significativamente más grandes y complejos de nuestros proyectos. Trabajará en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para entender sus problemas, crear estrategias para el cambio, ganar la aceptación de sus recomendaciones y colaborar con otros colegas para transformar el potencial del cliente en rendimiento.



Como Gerente, usted habrá desarrollado la experiencia y habilidades de liderazgo para dirigir diversos equipos de talento de consultoría. Su función es ayudar a los consultores a prosperar guiando sus esfuerzos, dirigiendo sus talentos y expandiendo sus conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer soluciones estratégicas y sostenibles para nuestros clientes.

Socio y Director

Socio y Director

Como Socio y Director, usted se centrará en la construcción de relaciones fuertes y duraderas con clientes. Usted tendrá un papel creciente en liderazgo de pensamiento, mentoring de equipo y desarrollo de negocios. Los clientes buscarán su consejo en asuntos de negocio que se extienden más allá del alcance inmediato de su trabajo del proyecto. Por lo tanto, a menudo les ayudan usted a definir la dirección estratégica de sus organizaciones.

Haga clic aquí para aplicar



This notice (Notice) describes how MG Consulting Partners (MGCP) and its subsidiaries and related companies (collectively, MGCP) handle and protect data to which MGCP is provided access in connection with the recruiting process. By making available your Candidate Data, as defined below, you confirm that: • You have reviewed this Notice and agree that MGCP may process your Candidate Data in accordance with this Notice; • You have provided any notices and obtained any consents needed to provide information concerning others (e.g., information about employment references); and • Your Candidate Data may be transferred and processed worldwide, including the US and other countries that may not be deemed to provide the same level of data protection as your home country, for the purposes and in the manner specified in this Notice. MGCP will process Candidate Data in accordance with this Notice, unless in conflict with requirements of applicable law, in which case applicable law will prevail. Your consent to the provisions of this Notice is required in order to submit or make available Candidate Data. If you decline to submit or make available your Candidate Data, it may affect your ability to apply for or receive an offer of employment. This Notice does not form part of any contract of employment offered to candidates hired by MGCP.


Candidate Data is identifiable information that an individual makes available to MGCP in connection with the recruiting process. MGCP may collect Candidate Data directly from a job candidate or from third parties, for example, in connection with a background or employment check or employment reference, subject to your consent where required by law. Candidate Data may include a variety of information, such as candidate status, work history/job data, education, compensation, employer feedback, questionnaire results, contact information, previous addresses or names, additional information provided by the candidate (e.g., a cover letter), driver’s license number as required for certain positions, references, and criminal history where permitted by law. Processing refers to any action performed on Candidate Data, such as collecting, recording, organizing, storing, transferring, modifying, using, disclosing, or deleting.


You may use various electronic and paper methods to submit Candidate Data to MGCP. You agree that, in addition to collecting Candidate Data directly from you, MGCP may collect Candidate Data from third parties, for example, from recruiters, in connection with a background or employment check or an employment reference (subject to your consent where required by law) or, to the extent permitted by law, from a recruiting or other web site.

Processing and Retention

MGCP processes Candidate Data for legitimate human resources and business manaMGCPment purposes. These include identifying and evaluating candidates for MGCP positions; record-keeping related to hiring processes; analyzing the hiring process and outcomes; and conducting background checks, where permitted by law. In addition, Candidate Data may be used to comply with MGCP’s legal, regulatory and corporate governance requirements. If a candidate is hired, Candidate Data may be used in connection with his/her employment consistent with MGCP’s employment data protection policies. In addition to using Candidate Data for the position for which you have applied, MGCP may retain and use your Candidate Data to consider you for other positions. If you do not want to be considered for other positions or would like to have your Candidate Data removed, you may contact MGCP as specified under Inquiries, Complaints and Objections below. Unless required for tax or other legal purposes or in connection with employment as specified above, Candidate Data will be retained for a maximum of three years (or less where required by law).

Sharing with Third Parties

MGCP may transfer Candidate Data to external third-party providers performing certain services for MGCP. Such third-party providers have access to Candidate Data solely for the purposes of performing the services specified in the applicable service contract, and MGCP requires the providers to undertake security measures consistent with the protections specified in this Notice. MGCP may be required to disclose certain Candidate Data to other third parties (1) as required by law; (2) to protect MGCP’s legal rights to the extent authorized or permitted by law; or (3) in an emergency where the health or safety of a candidate or other individual may be endangered. In addition, in the event of a re-organization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, or other transfer or disposition of all or any portion of MGCP’s business, MGCP may transfer Candidate Data to successor entities or parties.

Security and Confidentiality

MGCP employs technical and organizational measures designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of Candidate Data, and to comply with applicable legal requirements for information security. MGCP limits access to internal systems that hold Candidate Data to individuals who need access for a legitimate business purpose.

Candidate Rights

You may exercise the following rights in relation to your Candidate Data:

Automated Decisions: MGCP generally does not make recruiting or hiring decisions based solely on automated decision-making within the meaning of the EU Data Protection Directive. In the event that MGCP relies solely on automated decision-making that could have a significant impact on you, MGCP will provide you an opportunity to express your views and will provide any other safeguards required by law.

Direct Marketing

MGCP will not use Candidate Data to offer you any products or services for personal or family consumption (“direct marketing”) or provide Candidate Data to third parties for their direct marketing. These restrictions do not apply to contact or other personal data obtained in the context of a customer, consumer or other non-employment relationship with MGCP.

Changes to this Notice

MGCP reserves the right to modify this Notice by posting changes to relevant MGCP websites. If you submit additional Candidate Data or request to be considered for a MGCP position following the effective date of a modified Notice, your Candidate Data will be handled in accordance with the Notice in effect at that time.